Sound Waves ~ Re:Sounding Truth
Sound Waves ~ Re:Sounding Truth is a 2hr vocal sounding workshop which guides you to recognise your primal bodymind as a resonant truth-holding vessel. This experiential gives you:
🌊 A Taste of Freedom
🌊 Deep Relaxation & Release
🌊 Vocal Confidence
A Safe Space to:
🌊 Express & Explore Your Authentic Vocal Resonance &
🌊 Raise your vibrational frequency!
Gentle, stimulating movement brings vibrational frequencies to the surface of our bodies.
Like gently shaking mineral water—just before it overflows—we feel our own effervescence : our aliveness tingling throughout our bodies.
This is the aliveness that we begin to let our voices pour out of.
And gently, gradually we hear sounds that emerge from our bodies when we are in safe, exploratory mode; when we’re not confined by socially acceptable limits.
We allow our strange, wild, unknown selves to gently pour out...
We allow our bodyvoice to release—to ex:press itself in a safe, supported space.
🌊“Like a breath of fresh air!”
🌊“Like stepping into another dimension—I want to explore more!”
🌊“Hearing my authentic voice is exciting and empowering”
🌊“expressing myself in this way charges my creativity”
🌊“an intimate meeting/conversation with my inner world”
Everyday we use our voices to communicate our desires to those we love and those we work with. Our bodies innately know our response and then miraculously it is delivered to the other person via sound waves ~
! We literally transmit our inner realm to others through electromagnetic wave-like vibrations !
🌊 The qualities our voices ex:press tell worlds about us.
So much more than the words we’re saying.
In fact, “One of the most well-known research projects on nonverbal communication Dr. Mehrabian in the 1960s…[showed] A subject’s response to each word was dependent more on the inflection of the voice than the connotation of the word itself.”
& “the interpretation of a message is 7 percent verbal, 38 percent vocal and 55 percent visual... 93 percent of communication is “nonverbal” in nature.”
🌊 The experience during the Sound Waves ~ Re:Sounding Truth workshop can be described as freeing—enlightening—powerful. We may even hear remnants of our ancestry echo...
🌊 Come join this potent exploration!
19 May, 2-4pm @House of Alcheme Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast. $50 pp